Wednesday, July 12, 2017

SLA: the Fifth

Monday had me waking up for an EBSCO breakfast. Currently, as we use some of their products at work, I figured it would be beneficial to learn of any new developments. The breakfast was a good mix of librarians from all employment spheres, and really my own complaint was the lack of choice at breakfast.

By far the best thing I attended on Monday, however, was the Dream Jobs Panel. Three Librarians, each from three different fields, one representing Fashion and Design Merchandising, the second Hershey (yes, the chocolate company), and the third Uber, they discussed working in the industry, how they found their jobs, and the importance of networking in one's job search. Much like the "SLAying" from the previous day became a rallying cry, so too did "Dream Jobs" become a theme of the conference.

As Monday was also the one day the conference did not provide lunch, it was the day I ventured out for lunch. Walking into what, if I remember correctly, was 118F heat, was an experience. But lunch was had with some fellow conference goers, and included fish tacos.

Monday evening was also the busiest evening. From Academic Division's Event, to catching up with New England Chapter members at the East Coast Reception, to finally making my way down to the Pittsburgh Chapter dinner. And of course, the IT dance party.

Monday was one of those days I remember why I keep coming back to SLA. Why I get involved and stay involved. It's meeting people in-person you've only talked to via Twitter, and instantly having a connection (point), it's not having to explain what you do because everyone there gets it, it's telling people you only see once a year what's going on in your life, whether it's good news or not-so-good news, and having them be there for you. It's moving to a new city and finding a community even when you know no one.

Yes, Monday was one of those days I remember why I love SLA.

(Next up: Tuesday! Final day of the conference.)

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