Sunday, March 12, 2017

Knitting break

Finished five more squares for the blanket I am currently knitting. Total knitted so far: 15. Total in the blanket: 49. So almost a third of the way done.

I'm hoping to finish by the autumn. I think I am on par? I started this project in January. It's been fun as each square is a different pattern on its own (though with some repeats), so I am continuously learning something new in regards to stitch work. Seeing as this year is all about new challenges, this project is perfect. It is improving my skills and confidence in knitting (which is still a thing, even as I have been knitting since 2010-ish), and has me excited to learn new skills.

C.'s working weekends with his new job. It's an adjustment. So far this weekend, I've spent it knitting (as stated), doing stuff around the apartment - laundry, dishes, vacuuming, etc. I'm hoping as the weather starts to get warmer, I'll go on solo adventures, but seeing as how cold today is, and the on-and-off snowing, I'm perfectly content to stay indoors.

There's prep for the all-female D&D group I'll be running starting in just a few short weeks, a book to finish reading, episodes of an anime one friend convinced me to watch, and of course, more knitting to be done.

It's also Purim today. No alcohol in the apartment, but perhaps a mocktail is in my very near future.


  1. What book are you reading, and what anime are you watching, thanks to your friend?

  2. Hi Mary,

    Reading "Lost in Translation", which is a memoir of the writer's emigration from Poland to Canada (and later, Canada to the US). Anime was on Yuri on Ice. Did not end up watching any more episodes yesterday.

    What are you reading, watching?
